Mission Statement..We will work to preserve and enhance our way of life through our homeowners association and provide information to the property owners to accomplish that goal.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

A submission from the office Manager of the Belvidere Daily Republican

This message was sent to us for possible use. Thank you Kathy for your information and comments.  Ken

“What are blue-green algae? Blue-greens are very primitive organisms that are not really algae; they are actually bacteria. One major group - planktonic blue-greens - are microscopic and cause the typical pea-soup green color to water. The most common of the planktonic blue-greens are Anabaena, Aphanizomenon, and Microcystis (commonly referred to as Annie, Fannie, and Mike!).
The yellowish-green scum formation is typical of most planktonic blue-greens. Heavy infestations (blooms) of blue-greens are stimulated by inputs of phosphorus and nitrogen from fertilizers, organic wastes, pesticides into surface waters.”
This is why CWL residents should all be aware of what is in the fertilizers and garden products that they use – the residue from these products ends up in the lake, feeding the growth of algae. Please do not over-use these products and please do not over-water your property.
“Toxicity among blue-greens in general is well known, however it is extremely rare for them to cause toxicity. We do not know why this is. Perhaps toxins are released only from certain very rare strains; perhaps the environmental conditions for toxin production do not often occur. Because we do not know what causes a blue-green to become toxic, it is impossible to predict when toxicity might occur. The safest bet is to prevent animals and humans from drinking and to restrict swimming activities when water turns pea-soup green.”
The CWL lake management committee has already researched possible remedies to help stifle future algae problems. One such idea recommended by a professional consultant is to restore native plants around the lake shoreline. The native wetland plants help filter water and do not require pesticides or fertilizers for maintenance.