Mission Statement..We will work to preserve and enhance our way of life through our homeowners association and provide information to the property owners to accomplish that goal.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Thoughts through the snowflakes

When I was a child in rural Iowa there would be traveling evangelists that would stop in the small town to spread the gospel. They would use different tactics to draw substantial numbers using things like painting portraits while you watched as they promoted their religion. It worked well, with at times possibly forty to fifty people showing up and that was a good portion of the population.

One of the evangelists brought up something that has stuck with me to this day. He was completely flabbergasted by the fact everyone waved at him as he drove down the roads. He couldn’t believe that people on tractors, in their yards, or passing from the other direction all waved when he knew none of them had any idea who he was. The reason it stuck with me was to me this was nothing new and as a child I couldn’t figure out why he kept mentioning it. It was just the way it was.

I wish so much we could do that here. We could if we all took a step back and said “We are all in this together.” We don’t need to be mad at each other and attacking at every opportunity. I am as guilty as any in this matter and I really want it to stop. Can you imagine if all the effort and funds each side has expended had been used to facilitate youth activities, help those needing assistance with home maintenance, working on commissions, just helping in general.

Maybe a simple act of waving may make someone smile a little or just maybe someone driving through may think “What a nice friendly place to live.” It really can be folks, and we need to work toward that end. We have a lot to be thankful for.

Ken Dillenburg