Mission Statement..We will work to preserve and enhance our way of life through our homeowners association and provide information to the property owners to accomplish that goal.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Unofficial Board Minutes April 17, 2012

Dues Raffle:  There were 6 winners for the raffle and they will receive $559.17 credit on their dues.

Employee of the Quarter/Year:  James Dorherty was awarded Employee of the Quarter and Valerie Alt Employee of the Year.  Congratulations to both of them.

General Manager’s Report:  Landscape contract has been awarded to Area Services for landscaping maintenance of some of the common areas.  The annual mailing for the 2012/2013 dues was mailed out.  Bids for the tennis courts are coming in.  Road construction is well on its way, and many other projects are underway.

Lake Management:  Goose addling was done, 15-20 nests were found and 45 eggs.  Guest fishing will still have a fee because it was already in the budget.  There was discussion about aerators, water testing, and ILM made some proposals that will be discussed more.  June 30TH will be the 4TH of July celebration and also our 40TH anniversary.  Father’s Day Fishing Contest will be June 17TH.  A Bass Tournament in early June.  They will also be checking the black pipe and a discussion of what they will do.

Road Construction:  March 30TH the road bids were due and Rabine was given the bid, they have done work for us before.  This will start in June after the school buses have finished their season.  There will be an information meeting that residents can attend.

Recreation:  It was voted to install 4 square and hopscotch in the cement area by the Rec Center.  This could be installed for minimal expense by maintenance.  We would like to have in place by Family Movie night if possible.  It was also discussed about a walking path through some of the common area and Rich Witt will check into the possibility and expense.

Aqua:  The last bills were pro-rated and there will be more information in the next bills about the rates.

Common Garden:  Sandy Morris got a $430.00 grant from Rockford for supplies for a community garden.  It will be to the side of the office and there will be 10 plots at $10.00 each, first come first serve.  There will be a meeting for those interested on Wednesday, May 9, 1012 at 6:30 at the Rec Center.

Guest Watercraft:  There will be NO guest watercraft allowed in the lake due to insurance reasons.

Golf Commission:  They will work under the Board and the General Manager.

Re-platting Lots:  A statement was read from about the guidelines for this.

Public Safety will purchase new radios and a new car due to the age, millage and amount of repairs that have been needed.

A mower will be replaced due to the cost of repairs the last couple of years and a need  to mow a large area.

A discussion was made about using some of the docks by the Rec center due to the amount of requests from the residents.  There will be more discussion about this. 

Ellen Steiskal, Pride Secertary