a particularly “changed-filled” time, a mentor explained that I was about to
experience life as if shooting the rapids. “Don’t grab
on,” he warned, “just go
with the flow….you’ll land in a calm pool when it’s over.” We have
lots of ways of experiencing the flow. Sometimes it’s ‘getting
lost’ in a project/experience and feeling like everything is
in sync. Other times, going with the flow may require relinquishing plans,
goals, hopes…in exchange for grace and surrender to whatever the Universe has in store
for us today.
‘flow’ may take the form of waterfalls (cleansing, release – sometimes
overwhelming, sometimes refreshing — always healing), running rivers
(everything from ambling to shooting the rapids), gentle creeks. Tapping into
your own flow…and allowing the current of life to buoy and bathe you is part of
nature’s gift.
rivers, the water that you touch is the last of what has passed and the first
of that which comes; so with present time.
(Leonardo Da Vinci)
(Posted by Ken)