Mission Statement..We will work to preserve and enhance our way of life through our homeowners association and provide information to the property owners to accomplish that goal.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

G.M. continuity, now the board

You all know now that our G.M. has signed on the dotted line for another three years. That means our association will continue moving in the right direction for three more years with one caveat. We need a board that will continue the forward movement as well. The board of directors has been working as one to toe the line on expenditures while maintaining our existing amenities as well as adding programs when affordable.
During the last few months the dredging program was completed, the CC&R rewrites are completed and very close to passage, the ByLaws are in the final stages of preparation, a very solid collection policy has been implemented in an attempt to keep those paying their dues from being burdened with further cost from those not paying, the changeover from the “Y” operating our rec center programs to in-house operation was handled seamlessly, our road maintenance and repair program is set for bidding and a summer start, our public safety department has both a new chief and deputy with extensive police backgrounds, the new website is almost complete and is running, lake circulation devices for “the dip” as well as plantings to help clean the lake are budgeted, we have a new attorney who specializes in our type association, a legal committee has been established to handle legal issues that arise from time to time, we produced a 2012/2013 budget with no dues increase, and much more.
Why am I bringing this up? We need, not want………NEED to have a board that will continue on course. There are solid current board members running (Jeff, Chuck, and Steve) as well as a former board member who was an asset (Don). Karl Steiskal has proven his desire to continue the progress through his very active participation as well as his statements about how much he loves and wants to better this community. For me it is easy to remember. I am voting for the first five names on the ballot.
Pam Cangelosi and Sandy Morse will both be sorely missed for their very valuable input on many issues. With five open board seats this is a very serious time for Candlewick. Please choose wisely for the sake of your community. Please ask your friends to do the same. It’s now all up to you. The power is in your hands to control the direction of our community. Some will agree with my votes and some will not. We all must vote our conscience.

Ken Dillenburg