Mission Statement..We will work to preserve and enhance our way of life through our homeowners association and provide information to the property owners to accomplish that goal.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The good people of Candlewick

Sunday seems an appropriate day to mention something I noticed during our garage sales this weekend. I am not a big garage saler but I came in the west gate and turned right on Candlewick Drive. Not far along on the right was the Steiskal home where a garage sale was being held with all proceeds going to cancer research. A few more blocks on the left there was the Rio’s garage sale with the proceeds going to the reforestation of Oak Tree Park. I then thought of the clothing exchange that was headed by Jody Brown. These are just the efforts on one weekend. It honestly touched me thinking about the kindness of these and I am sure many more involved. For any other great causes I missed, my apologies. I know you are out there not only during the garage sales but in all your fund raising events to aid others. May you all be blessed for your selfless acts.

Ken Dillenburg