Mission Statement..We will work to preserve and enhance our way of life through our homeowners association and provide information to the property owners to accomplish that goal.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Did you know that today is National Prayer Day?

In 1775 the first day of prayer was declared when the Continental Congress “designated a time for prayer in forming a new nation.” Various days of prayer were declared throughout our history until April 17th, 1952 when President Truman signed a law proclaiming an annual National Day of Prayer and in 1988 President Ronald Reagan signed into law a bill which fixed the date as the first Thursday in May. While there are groups that have been, and continue to, fight this law, as is their right, it continues to be observed every year in every state of the Union.

Today our country is experiencing wars, tornados, floods, unemployment, high gas prices, fear of foreclosures and the list goes, so please take some time today to say a prayer for our country, and its leaders, in this time of need.

Submitted by Bonnie Marron