Mission Statement..We will work to preserve and enhance our way of life through our homeowners association and provide information to the property owners to accomplish that goal.

Friday, July 16, 2010

They just aren't getting it

Let's take a look at the history of the incorporation movement by the more government folks since they began publicly promoting the idea late last fall under the guise of presentation of both sides of the issue.

After the newsletter articles came the town hall meetings. The first one was well attended by those wanting information. Many left the meeting unhappy with the slanted presentation. Next came the second town hall meeting with less attendance and a lot more verbal exchange. The meeting didn't go well for the more government group so it was decided the way to go was have a smaller group meet to cool things down.

Thus came the "summit meetings." These also became a problem and after two meetings that idea was scrapped. Back to the town halls. The next town hall only had twenty or so in attendance, most of whom were against incorporation. That was the last town hall.

The surrounding villages were contacted by the same group asking for permission to incorporate. All three villages refused to consider the matter, stating the group had no standing. We, of course, agree and feel the villages acted responsibly in the matter.

Next came the request to the Candlewick board of directors asking them to send a letter to each village asking permission to incorporate. The board of course denied the request since they represent and were elected by the property owners who's interests are at possible risk, in our opinion putting the board in a conflict of interest situation.

I will say this for the group wanting to add another layer of government, they are not quitters. It seems to me they are already acting like a governmental body, determined we will get more government like it or not. In this case there is one big difference. Instead of them being able to just pass a law they must face a ballot issue regarding the entire question of incorporation. This can not simply be shoved down your throats. If it makes it to the ballot we need to come out in numbers and say NO!, we do not need more government. If you are approached by those trying to promote the idea it is time for speaking your mind and letting them know you are not having the wool pulled over your eyes. YOU have the power this time.

Let's end this once and for all. Ken Dillenburg