Mission Statement..We will work to preserve and enhance our way of life through our homeowners association and provide information to the property owners to accomplish that goal.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Continuing Rich D’s theme

After looking at Rich’s cartoon something crossed my mind. I have spoken with a lot of people about the re-writes and not one person indicated they like the product. I have heard some say there are some good things in them. Actually I have also said that myself. I have not even heard those involved in the process say they like them as now written. Maybe the old memory is failing me but I can not recall one statement of complete support. I believe these are dead in the water, and that is probably a good thing.

The CC&Rs need a 50% plus one vote to pass but the BYLAWS need only a 30% yes vote to carry so they have a slightly better chance but I wouldn’t bet the farm on their passage either. I know I am not alone in my contention these might have had a better chance if the community was not in such a “trust no-one” mode with the inc. battle. It is hard to believe but it seems both sides are in agreement on this one issue. That tells you something in itself.

Why in the world the old documents were not simply amended with deletions and additions as necessary so one could look side by side and make a comparison I don’t know. Instead they were pretty much from scratch documents full of legalese and debatable interpretations. A lot of our money has been spent on legal fees to accomplish what seems to be nothing but possible eventual legal battles over interpretation if they were to pass. What is wrong with simple straight forward language like we speak to each other in daily conversation? Let’s get back to basics so we can all participate.

My opinion only………Ken Dillenburg