Last Wednesday I received the new assessment for our home. Upon reading the document I realized I am now eligible for the senior citizen adjustment, which could mean savings on the tax bill. Good news!
I called the assessor’s office immediately and sure enough, I am eligible but then came the bad news. It seems the break off for adjusting the current assessment for this was the prior Friday, oddly enough just before the mailing was sent. I was told the break off date is the law. I was also told in order to apply for the adjustment I would have to come in in person to sign up for it in the future.
Am I the only one that finds this a strange situation? Would it not be the same thing as a business sending out an advertising flyer then telling you it has expired when you go into the store the same day? Yep, gotta love the way government looks out for the people, right?
A new city government for Candlewick? Just what we need, another layer to fight with, levy more taxes, and write new ordinances for our “own good.” Give me a break!
Ken Dillenburg