Mission Statement..We will work to preserve and enhance our way of life through our homeowners association and provide information to the property owners to accomplish that goal.

Sunday, August 8, 2010


I keep getting emails (complaints) telling me the pro-incorporation group is still out trying to get petition signatures coming to homes. I have said it before and I’ll say it again, the 200 signatures they need is nothing, so why does the effort continue? Let me put forth my thoughts on the issue. No proof, just a guess.

So far they have gone door to door many times, they have held a rally with games, raffles, and a D.J, they have set up stands near the gates then moved to other locations, tried to get online signatures, and who knows what else. Why would they do this?

Here is my theory for what it is worth. I believe they are trying to get well over the 200 signatures, possibly at least 500, in order to try to prove they have standing to ask for a ballot and permission from the villages. The higher number would also assure the petitions would not be thrown out due to signatures of those not registered to vote.

Now here is the thing to remember. Even the higher number should be no problem. Why? Because the very old ploy is undoubtedly being used telling the residents they don’t have to be for the issue, they simply must believe that in America we have the right to decide for ourselves by a vote. Makes it tough to say no even if you are dead against the issue, right? Out of the thousands of voters in Candlewick it should be no problem getting a pretty good number to sign when worded correctly.

How many would sign if a petition were carried to promote almost any cause if it were worded as a patriotic thing to be allowed to vote? We must also remember if a home is approached normally there will be two voters there to sign but a vote to give assets to the city will take the majority with one vote per property owner in a separate election. I am sure not giving my assets away to a new city. There is a lot to consider in this issue.

Why do I bring this up? I want to put the petitions into perspective if and when they finally see the light of day. Time will tell.

Ken Dillenburg