Our group has been notified of members of the pro-incorporation group going door to door this weekend soliciting signatures on a petition in an attempt to convince our board of directors to write a letter to the surrounding communities asking them to give permission to incorporate.
Poplar Grove has twice refused to act on the matter in the past when approached by those wanting to incorporate. Caledonia and Timberlane have also refused to act. It would appear now the group is asking our board, who has been elected to represent the property owners through their vote, to intervene in a matter being determined by elected officials of other communities.
We have from our beginning supported our board of directors as is indicated in our prior posts. Our association can not be run by petition. We could also collect signatures asking the board to send a letter asking the surrounding communities to refuse the request for permission but we will not because it is inappropriate.
This issue is tentatively scheduled to be discussed at the June 15 board meeting so if you are interested in the proceedings you are welcome to attend this open meeting at the rec center. Open discussion at 6:30 p.m. and the meeting starts formally at seven. The agenda is not yet finalized so changes could be made prior.
Ken Dillenburg