Mission Statement..We will work to preserve and enhance our way of life through our homeowners association and provide information to the property owners to accomplish that goal.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Congratulations property owners!

Today (Sunday) at the annual meeting you sent in proxies and attended in large enough numbers to conduct the meeting and handle the issues at hand. 710 was the count, many more than necessary for a quorum.
Bonnie and Gary were seated as elected board members, unfortunately Kathy was unable to attend so she will be seated later. Jack Stoner, the board treasurer, has resigned so there will be a replacement needed for his position.
Almost all departments are coming in under budget so finances are ending the year better than anticipated although the numbers are not yet finalized. This is very good news and indicates the controls in place are holding. Nice work by all.
The dredging project is on track to start soon and monitoring the lake for quality and clarity will be continuing with the board seeking input from experts regarding algae control applications. More good work taking care of your lake.
Candlewick clean-up day is next Saturday (24th) but as Pam (board member) indicated, every day can be clean up day if we all pick up our yard and ditches by our home. Be sure to sign up to help Saturday if you have not already.
Neighborhood watch is making a difference. Should you like to join all you need to do is give your name and email address. Nothing else is necessary other than just on your own getting to know your neighbors, who belongs and who doesn't, and keeping an eye out for suspicious activity. You will receive email updates about what is happening in your community regarding the watch. Simple and effective. You should consider this.
Watch for information upcoming here about the activities starting Memorial Day. We will keep you posted on events you may want to attend.